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Oiselle VIP Party & Kara Goucher

What did the Haute Voleé do after racing the Olympic Trials Marathon? Oiselle threw an awesome party! Kristin, Heather, Sarah, Sally and the rest of the Oiselle Nest know how to celebrate. It is always strange to see teammates, coaches and fans outside of their fly-style athletic wear, but it is good to doll up on occasion! I have to admit, I was still sprawled on my hotel bed in my mini stride shorts, lux long sleeve and Zensah compression socks 20 minutes before the party...

Party Recap All photo credit goes to my little sister Janelle Davis. Instagram for Janelle.)

Haute Voleé Fierce Flyers had an elongated moment of fame signing the Oiselle posters for party attendees. Some of the girls jokingly complained that their hands were getting sore, but I am sure we all appreciated the excitement in the room as we scribbled sloppy signatures over our faces.

Note Mac's super detailed signature #famous. I took the opportunity to practice the dying art of cursive ;)

Oiselle's American Runner Trucker hat. Want one? Click HERE.

Oiselle's Kara Goucher earned a well fought 4th place at the Olympic Trials (if you don't know her, she is the one in the middle). Kara spoke at the party about her race and the commuity/love she has for Oiselle and running:

"I have loved my life so much in the last six months, I’ve never felt more alive, or happier. To everyone in this room, this group of people is special. This group of people wants people to succeed and for people to feel valued, and wants people to feel worthy. This is a place that’s safe. And everyone that’s here tonight, I feel it and I have felt it and it’s meant everything to me” -Kara Goucher

My college friend Lindsay Baker (in the red skirt) and her fiancé were able to make the party and celebrate the finale of a long marathon training cycle!

The day before the marathon, Oiselle had an Olympic Trials Haute Volee photoshoot in the new racing kits. Kara Goucher gave the team some race advice; she suggested to not wear sunblock because it blocks your pores and your skin can't breathe as well in a hot race. Needless to say, most of the team had sunburns after the race--- thanks to Kara :) We were joking about our coppertone tanlines in the photo below.

At the Oiselle VIP party.

Lindsay coaching Kara Goucher how to sign (kidding).

Thanks again for an awesome party and fun weekend Oiselle! I am so lucky to be on this team!

Again, all photo credit goes to my little sister Janelle Davis. Instagram for Janelle.



Oregon Wine Country Half-

Dundee, OR


San Jose Rnr Half-

San Jose, CA


California International Marathon-

Sacramento, CA



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