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"Cold Turkey" Vegan

In 2010 I went “cold turkey” and became a vegan - I have been eating a plant based vegan diet ever since. That means that I survived 6 years on a strict vegan diet while also running 80-90 miles a week. One could only assume that being vegan has not hindered my ability qualify and race at the Olympic Trials; you could even argue that being vegan has helped me, but we won’t get into that right now. I will share more about being an endurance vegan athlete another time.

Anyways, in 2010 my announcement to family and friends that I was choosing a vegan way of life was received relatively well. However, it is human nature to question those that stray from the average. With that said, over the years I have gathered humorous and bizarre inquiries about being vegan. I have heard the following statements and questions numerous- if not hundreds- of times, along with countless funny excuses of why one shouldn’t go vegan.

While you might find this list entertaining, it isn’t meant to offend anybody, but offer a venting outlet to one vegan, who just heard one of those statements, one too many times…Hope this makes you smile :)

  1. It’s the food chain

  2. Where do you get your protein from, hmmm?

  3. Vegetables have feelings too you know

  4. Everything in moderation

  5. The animals have to die sometime

  6. Jesus ate fish

  7. You only live once

  8. I knew a vegan once and he was sick

  9. Where do you get your B12?

  10. You can’t eat plants all day

  11. I’m allergic to Tofu

  12. Where do you get your Omega 3 from?

  13. It’s great that you’re vegan, but I couldn’t do it.

  14. Fish aren’t animals

  15. You’re not vegan! Spiders crawl into your mouth when you sleep

  16. Don’t eat the food’s food

  17. You’re laptop has an ingredient in it that’s bad for the environment and you still use it

  18. Are your boots vegan?, what about your wallet, aha!

  19. You should eat a lot of protien bars

  20. Vegans are always tired

  21. Vegans fart more

  22. You’ll have weak bones

  23. What do you eat, grass?

  24. Hitler was a vegetarian

  25. Tofu is disgusting

  26. If you don’t milk the cows they’ll explode

  27. Do you want one? Oh I forgot you can’t eat that.

  28. I could never give up cheese

  29. You can’t build muscle on a vegan diet. You'll probably hit the wall in the marathon.

  30. What can't you eat?

I will answer the last question: I choose not to eat dairy, meat, poultry, or seafood.

I am happy, fueled, and running fast. Cheers!



Oregon Wine Country Half-

Dundee, OR


San Jose Rnr Half-

San Jose, CA


California International Marathon-

Sacramento, CA



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